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Learning How to Learn

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General information

Languages: English
Estimated study time: 2 h
Publication date: May 2021
Method of delivery: learningCloud sprint
Status: Available
Skill Set: Self-learning

Regardless of your background or skill level, we want you to learn how using different approaches and techniques can help you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, you can learn to master any topic, no matter what your skill level. If you have ever wanted to become better at anything, this program will be your guide.

  • Understanding the importance of adaptability through lifelong learning: Current importance of adaptability quotient (AQ), beyond intelligence quotient (IQ) and emotional intelligence (EQ).
  • Understanding how neurons work and their relationship to learning.
  • Using Retrieval practice as a powerful learning method.
  • Understanding the importance of sleeping, exercise and rest for learning.
  • Using brain focus and diffuse mode in learning and problem solving.
  • Managing stress with breathing and switch thinking.
  • Using the pomodoro technique to control procrastination.
  • Understanding the functioning of long-term and working memory and use them in the learning process.
  • Learning how to learn
  • Powerful mental tools
  • Lifelong learning
  • Understand and remember
  • Mental mini breaks
  • Tools and insights


General information

Languages: English
Estimated study time: 2 h
Publication date: May 2021
Method of delivery: learningCloud sprint
Status: Available
Skill Set: Self-learning